Floyd | A new game begins with 9 players composed of 2 werewolves, 1 seer, 1 Floyd | fool, 1 wolfsbane carrier, and 4 villagers. Now it is night; time for Floyd | the werewolves to KILL, the seer to IDENTIFY, the fool to IDENTIFY, Floyd | the wolfsbane carrier to PROTECT and the rest to SLEEP. You whisper "protect brenbarn" to Floyd. Floyd whispers, "You decide to protect brenbarn from the werewolves." devil tosses and turns in his bed. Floyd | No one died the previous night. Floyd | It is now day. Time to VOTE on whom to lynch. devil says, "Yowch." schep says, "yay" maga_dogg says, "woo" Marvin exclaims, "Woo!" BrenBarn says, "yay" Julian exclaims, "yay!" devil asks, "Hrm, we have 9 total?" maga_dogg says, "nice going, baner" BrenBarn says (to devil), "yes" Julian whispers, "I may be the seer. What are you?" reillyb was afk making tea, not killing villagers Banichi asks, "Hell, how do we make the decision this early?" devil says, "No need for seer to come out yet, basically, there's no info to be gained from that except don't kill baner, s/he's lucky." You whisper "um, no whispering during the day" to Julian. Julian says, "Well, we wait for evidence." maga_dogg says, "Hmm." Julian whispers, "um, yikes, OK." devil says, "I'm a villager, in case anyone was wondering." Marvin says, "Plus, we have a fool. Seer coming out is even more of a bad idea." schep says, "so IIAS, Banichi is innocent." BrenBarn says (to Devil), "so what are y -- timing" maga_dogg says, "Ah, randomness total, how sweet thy song" schep says, "also afk for a minute." Julian whispers, "wait, werewolves and masons have whispered before?" maga_dogg says, "IIAS, Marvin's clean" You whisper "werewolves are allowed to whisper at night. that's it." to Julian. caleb says, "IIAS, schep is innocent" Julian whispers, "Huh. OK. Verysorry." You whisper "no one else is supposed to whisper at all, and wolves are not supposed to whisper except at night" to Julian. Marvin says, "IIAS, devil is innocent." BrenBarn says, "IIAS, Banichi is a cabbage" BrenBarn says, "(innocent cabbage)" Julian says, "IIAS, Banichi is ..." devil says (to maga), "We don't care if he's clean." Julian says, "timing." Banichi asks, "That's right, I'm a cabbage. How many cabbages in this game?" Julian says (to Banichi), "1 cabbage, and 1 carrot." Julian asks, "Not quite a saled, eh?" maga_dogg says (to devil), "I suppose wolves can be scrupulous about hygiene too" BrenBarn says, "they bathe in BLOOD" maga_dogg says (to brenbarn), "but no blood as yet :)" reillyb asks, "don't villagers eat cabbages?" devil uses wolfsbane soap every morn. Julian says, "IIAB, BrenBarn is something-or-other" BrenBarn says (to maga), "therefore the wolf cannot be clean and you are lying!" maga_dogg says (to reillyb), "yeah, and they wear empty burlap sacks and screw pigs" BrenBarn asks, "IIAB? If I Am Beer?" Julian asks (of BrenBarn), "blood is clean?" maga_dogg says (to bren), "damn, caught in the iron grip of logic" Julian says, "No, if I am a Boar." devil says, "IIAW, then...whoops." BrenBarn says, "heh" Banichi says, "Well, I'm scared for us to pick, then it'll be sleepytime again." Julian says, "hee" Floyd | julian votes to lynch devil. Julian says, "IIAW, devil is a wolf." BrenBarn says, "there should be a 'huddle together in town hall with blunderbusses and pitchforks' command" devil says, "I will watch you all die in great amusement if you kill me first." Julian says, "We know each other." Floyd | marvin votes to lynch julian. Floyd | julian retracts a vote for devil. Julian exclaims, "Kidding!" Banichi asks, "Wait, how do I get the stats on votes?" Julian says (to Banichi), "wf who" devil asks, "Who hasn't talked much yet?" schep says, "back" reillyb says, "afk" Julian says, "reillyb, who has a history of wolfishness." BrenBarn says, "heh" maga_dogg says, "hmm..." devil says (to Julian), "I'm afraid it doesn't work like t hat." BrenBarn says, "no one's been suspiciously silent, I don't think" caleb says, "um, me. but i'm a villager again, so don't all lynch me this time" Julian says (to devil), "I know." maga_dogg says, "everyone's been fairly talky, yeah" maga_dogg says, "and silence is too obvious a cover for a wolf, as a rule" Julian says, "I would like to point out, also, that I have not been so talky as to be disguising a lupine nature." BrenBarn says, "pshaw" devil says, "sigh." reillyb says, "back" maga_dogg says (to Julian), "mmm, conformity" maga_dogg says, "overconformity: a sure sign of a WOLF" schep says, "so there's not much, and Julian pulled some weird stuff, and he's certainly not the seer." Julian says (to maga), "except that I'm always like this =)" devil says, "Okay, everybody wag your tail, and we'll see who's the wolf that way." Julian asks (of schep), "eh?" Floyd | schep votes to lynch julian. Julian asks (of schep), "What stuff did I pull?" BrenBarn asks (of devil), "trying to trick the wolves into showing their tails?" (From devil) wolf wags his -- hey, wait! devil says (to Bren), "Timing." maga_dogg wags his- dear lord NO, that's not a tail Julian remembers some odd movie with demons in it. devil says, "dirtyWOLF" BrenBarn says, "the non-wolves can just shake their booties" Marvin says (to maga_dogg), "Thank you for that." maga_dogg says (to Marvin), "I live to give" BrenBarn says, "moving on" Marvin says, "Give elsewhere." Mind you, I have dibs on the starting the next nuclear war if they declare Ebonics to be the universal language of Earth. Julian shakes his booty. Good and silver, aye! BrenBarn says, "arr!" devil says, "caleb hasn't talked much, as he himself admits." schep says, "arrr." caleb says, "true. but i don't see why this incriminates me. last time i talked and got lynched" Banichi says, "Well, totally randomly with a 9-sided dice roller..." maga_dogg says, "hmmrf." Marvin says, "Y'know, I could do with a random lynch-picker right about now." Floyd | banichi votes to lynch caleb. devil says (to caleb), "You lose some, and you lose some." BrenBarn says, "aw" Floyd | caleb votes to lynch julian. Floyd | devil votes to lynch banichi. Julian says, "I'm *not* a wolf." maga_dogg says (to Marvin), "so bandwagon, I guess" BrenBarn says, "we lynched caleb last time, we have no reason to believe he's the wolf, let's not do that" Floyd | julian votes to lynch caleb. Floyd | maga_dogg votes to lynch caleb. Julian says, "I call bandwagon on caleb." Marvin says, "I've already voted, actually." caleb says, "argh" BrenBarn says, "oh come on" Banichi asks, "How do you retract a vote? Unvote altogether?" reillyb says, "wf vote" maga_dogg says, "unvote" BrenBarn says, "wf unvote" Julian asks, "Fastest way to get the gaes off his head, right?" Marvin says (to Julian), "You have as many votes as caleb." Floyd | maga_dogg retracts a vote for caleb. caleb says, "you will see you are wrong, i swear. but i will argue for myself no more" You whisper "who" to Floyd. Floyd whispers, "Current players (9):" Floyd whispers, "schep has 0 votes and votes to lynch julian." Floyd whispers, "brenbarn has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted." Floyd whispers, "julian has 3 votes and votes to lynch caleb." Floyd whispers, "caleb has 2 votes and votes to lynch julian." Floyd whispers, "reillyb has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted." Floyd whispers, "maga_dogg has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted." Floyd whispers, "marvin has 0 votes and votes to lynch julian." Floyd whispers, "devil has 0 votes and votes to lynch banichi." Floyd whispers, "banichi has 1 vote and votes to lynch caleb." Julian says (to Marvin), "I do *now*." Banichi says, "Thanks, sorry I'm so rusty. Maybe I should try to play more often." Floyd | julian retracts a vote for caleb. devil says (to caleb), "Best way to deflect attention is accuse someone else." Floyd | caleb retracts a vote for julian. BrenBarn says, "wow, we need 5 votes for lynching" schep says (to devil), "not really." maga_dogg says (to Bren), "oh dear lord NO" Julian asks, "caleb swore. Werewolves wouldn't swear, would they?" maga_dogg says, "this is going to take a fucking age again" devil says, "I'm still up for killing Banichi, fwiw." caleb says (to julian), "no, of course not" devil says, "For no particularly good reason." schep says, "well, I'm not particularly against bandwagoning at this stage, since there's almost no info." Julian says, "OK. First point: I'm *not* a wolf. marvin and schep, please unvote." Banichi says, "Well, let's pick someone and get going." maga_dogg says (to devil), "well, that's all the reason we need :)" Marvin says (to Julian), "No." BrenBarn says, "oh well in that case" schep says (to Julian), "enh." Floyd | maga_dogg votes to lynch banichi. BrenBarn asks, "wait, why banichi again?" Julian asks (of marvin), "OK, why are you voting for me then?" At this point the exasperated Slobodan passes the handset to Mira and she listens for a while. reillyb says, "much like PG in the last game, I'm a villager" Marvin says (to Julian), "Random." devil says, "Well, (a) random, and (b) it's not me." Banichi says, "btw, I'm an upstanding member of this fine village community. :D" Julian asks (of Marvin), "Or wolfishness, hm?" Marvin says, "Actually, no, you voted for devil, and I reckon he's innocent. SO I voted for you." devil says, "To be brutally honest." Marvin says, "Then you said you were only joking. And I didn't care." BrenBarn says, "this game is all about brutality, honest or otherwise" maga_dogg asks (of Banichi), "upstanding, but on how many legs?" Julian says (to Marvin), "that was a *joke*. Oh. Bleh." devil says (to Bren), "True." BrenBarn says (to maga), "hee hee" Marvin says, "It's the best reason i'm going to come up with on the first round." Julian says, "Marvin is too short and too hasty for me." You whisper "who" to Floyd. Floyd whispers, "Current players (9):" Floyd whispers, "schep has 0 votes and votes to lynch julian." Floyd whispers, "brenbarn has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted." Floyd whispers, "julian has 2 votes and hasn't yet voted." Floyd whispers, "caleb has 1 vote and hasn't yet voted." Floyd whispers, "reillyb has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted." Floyd whispers, "maga_dogg has 0 votes and votes to lynch banichi." Floyd whispers, "marvin has 0 votes and votes to lynch julian." Floyd whispers, "devil has 0 votes and votes to lynch banichi." Floyd whispers, "banichi has 2 votes and votes to lynch caleb." BrenBarn asks, "short?" Floyd | julian votes to lynch marvin. Banichi says, "Uh huh, lupus erectus sounds dirty." Julian says, "Short-spoken." BrenBarn says, "It's a good thing Emily's not playing!" BrenBarn says, "haw haw" Mum, I'm changing all my teeth. I've got 29 teeth in my head, and I'm changing 29. I'm not fixing them, I'm changing them. Marvin asks, "Short-spoken?" BrenBarn says (to Banichi), "anything erectus sounds dirty" Marvin asks, "What the hell does that mean?" maga_dogg asks (of Banichi), "more so than homo erectus?" Julian breaks out his Julian's Neologisms to English dictionary. Banichi says, "Oh hell, here.." Floyd | banichi changes vote from caleb to julian. BrenBarn asks (of Julian), "curt?" Julian says, "short, short-spoken: Not talking a whole damn lot, even when moving one's mouth." BrenBarn asks, "laconic?" Floyd | caleb votes to lynch julian. Julian says, "Yes, thank you BrenBarn =)" Julian exclaims, "No, *not* me!" maga_dogg says, "oh for the love of god" Julian says, "4 votes, dangerous." Floyd | devil changes vote from banichi to julian. Floyd | A majority has voted to lynch julian, who is strung up and dies before Floyd | sundown. julian turns out to have been a seer. Floyd | Night has fallen; time for some to sleep and others to kill. BrenBarn says, "oh dear" maga_dogg says, "oops" Marvin says, "Shit." caleb says, "oops" Banichi says, "Oh no" You whisper "protect brenbarn" to Floyd. Floyd whispers, "You decide to protect brenbarn from the werewolves." devil says, "Well, you were the ninnies who wouldn't vote for Banichi." Julian asks, "Does that definitely mean that I was the seer, or only a seeool?" BrenBarn says, "no, you were definitely the seer" devil says, "Also, let's sleep, everyone." You whisper "remind" to Floyd. devil dreams of bloody scrying stones. Ghogg arrives, full of fun, but no funk. BrenBarn says, "who'zzzz not zzzzleeping or whateverzzzzz" Floyd | devil, a villager, may still be with us in spirit, but not in flesh. Floyd | It is now day. Time to VOTE on whom to lynch. BrenBarn says, "hmmm, darn" reillyb says, "hmmm indeed" BrenBarn says, "those dreams of blood came true" maga_dogg says, "dammit" Marvin says, "That sucks." reillyb asks, "did anyone not sleep right away last night?" schep says, "huh, and I suspected devil there." BrenBarn says, "I did too" I like the Lathe of Heaven because radial symmetry is a hobby of mine. And of everybody's, soon. maga_dogg asks, "wait, who did julian IIAS again?" schep says (to maga_dogg), "I have no clue. He didn't make any sense." maga_dogg says, "er, arguably BrenBarn" Marvin asks, "Here, if the baner protected himself on the first night, which is likely, and the wolves tried to kill the baner, does this mean the wolves know who the baner is and they could reveal themselves anyway?" BrenBarn says, "here's what -- yeah" BrenBarn says, "he said:" Banichi says, "Julian IIAS about me" BrenBarn | Julian says, "IIAS, Banichi is ..." schep asks, "but what if (s)he didn't?" BrenBarn | Julian says, "IIAB, BrenBarn is something-or-other" maga_dogg says, "hmm" Marvin says, "Oh, useful." schep says, "there's no point to coming out." maga_dogg says, "okay, that does make very little sense" The knight's weapon is a lance called LALR Parser Generator. schep says, "if in danger, speak up. Like last round, where I was about to unvote and listen to Julian before devil voted." BrenBarn says, "this game is kind of funky" Marvin says, "Hrm. I would speak up now, if I was the baner." schep says, "I wouldn't." Marvin asks, "Why not?" schep says, "It doesn't gain anything." maga_dogg says (to Marvin), "um- one second- let me count" Marvin says, "It can't hurt, though." BrenBarn says, "sure it can" Marvin asks, "How?" reillyb asks, "so the baner always protects him/herself?" schep says, "not always. and that's the point." Banichi says (to reillyb), "Not necessarily." maga_dogg says (to marvin), "enh, might be a bad idea. forces the baner to protect himself" Marvin says, "Hrm." BrenBarn says, "if baner reveals, wolves DEFINITELY know who it is, otherwise they only THINK they know" Marvin says, "I suppose." BrenBarn asks, "although I wonder: what should be the baner's strategy now?" maga_dogg says, "Next round, I'd guess." Floyd | Current players (7): Floyd | schep has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | brenbarn has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | caleb has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | reillyb has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | maga_dogg has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | marvin has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | banichi has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | BrenBarn says, "let's say he didn't protect himself: should he now? I mean, there's no seer to protect" maga_dogg says (to Bren), "yes. he's more valuable than villagers" schep says (to BrenBarn), "well. probably protect him/herself anyway, since there's no way to know someone else is innocent." caleb asks, "is there anyone worth protecting besides the ex-seer?" BrenBarn says (to schep), "yeah, I guess" schep says, "oh and btw the fool may follow the same self-protection strategy as the baner nowl." schep says, "now" maga_dogg says, "and he's certain of protecting a real innocent" Banichi asks, "Baner can't protect against the villager lynching?" maga_dogg says, "oh, fool." BrenBarn asks, "self-protection? fool?" BrenBarn asks, "how can fool protect himself? oh, you mean not reveal?" schep says, "in daytime, I mean." schep says, "if about to be lynched, protest loudly." BrenBarn says, "yeah" Marvin says, "True." maga_dogg says, "so, if we miss today, tomorrow we can reduce to three suspects. Enh. not really good enough" reillyb says, "i am a villager" BrenBarn says, "we'd rather not have the wolves know either of the two innocents." maga_dogg says, "and that assumes the wolves don't get baner or fool" You whisper "who" to Floyd. Floyd whispers, "Current players (7):" Floyd whispers, "schep has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted." Floyd whispers, "brenbarn has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted." Floyd whispers, "caleb has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted." Floyd whispers, "reillyb has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted." Floyd whispers, "maga_dogg has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted." Floyd whispers, "marvin has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted." Floyd whispers, "banichi has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted." Marvin says, "I need some dice or something, for random lynching." BrenBarn asks, "who voted for julian last round?" BrenBarn says, "schep, marvin, banichi, caleb, and devil" Banichi says, "I did, out of boredom." schep says, "first me, then Marvin, then Banichi, then caleb then devil." caleb says, "i did, but that was without real reason" maga_dogg asks, "er... me, too, I think? Didn't I?" BrenBarn says, "not ultimately" Marvin says (to schep), "Really? I thought I voted first." schep says (to maga_dogg), "not in time." Marvin says, "Anyway." Marvin says, "I shall whip up a quick random-lyncher program." maga_dogg says (to schep), "oh yes, I voted but too late. heh." schep says, "well, the voting suggests one of Banichi and caleb might be a more likely wolf." Marvin says, "Or a slow one." BrenBarn says, "yes" schep asks, "also, who voted for Banichi?" <> > caleb asks, "i wonder if julian's mysterious messages about banichi might have been an attempt to subtly call him a wolf?" BrenBarn says, "maga and devil, but devil changed and apparently maga tried to" schep says (to caleb), "that might make sense." Banichi asks, "mysterious messages?" Floyd | marvin votes to lynch reillyb. reillyb says, "i'm not a wolf" caleb says, "his IIAB and whatever else he said" schep says (to Marvin), "random is out." maga_dogg asks (of caleb), "hmm. that seems to be a reasonable take, but if so why didn't he just say IIAS he's a wolf?" Marvin asks (of schep), "Why?" Banichi says, "I am not a crook." reillyb says (to caleb,), "that's the best idea i've heard so far" maga_dogg says, "it could just be he missed the point of IIAS, which seems most likely" BrenBarn says, "oh dear" caleb says (to maga_dogg), "that's what i'm thinking" BrenBarn says (to maga), "but he's done it in previous games" schep says (to maga), "he's done it before. But getting a wolf first thing might be new and uncertain." Banichi says, "I think I'm missing the point of IIAS too." BrenBarn says, "although perhaps this was the first time he was actually the seer -- yeah" maga_dogg says (to caleb), "yeah, but how much he missed the point is hard to say" Floyd | schep votes to lynch banichi. Julian asks, "Can I make a remark about my Werewolf history?" schep says, "hey, at least he gave us a name, if nothing else." maga_dogg says, "maybe he thought it was just a big scam... but it does put banichi in the prime seat" Marvin says (to Julian), "No." schep says (to Julian), "no" BrenBarn says, "you're dead" Banichi says, "schep doesn't like my incessant prattling" maga_dogg says (to Julian), "no." Julian says, "OK." Floyd | reillyb votes to lynch banichi. Floyd | caleb votes to lynch banichi. maga_dogg says, "I think we vote banichi, yeah" Marvin asks, "Why Banichi?" BrenBarn says, "I'm not so sure" schep says (to Marvin), "the seer mumbled incomprehensible things about him." Marvin says, "Oh, right." Marvin says, "Hrm." Banichi asks, "wait, how do we know it was seer?" Marvin says (to Banichi), "We were told." Banichi says, "Oh, duh." BrenBarn says, "he died" maga_dogg says (to Marvin), "julian arguably fingered him as ... for values of ... where ... is equal to wolf. supposedly." caleb says (to banichi), "cause we lynched him by mistake" schep says (to Banichi), "Floyd told us so." reillyb says (to Banichi), "it said so when he died. timing" schep says (to Banichi), "and you're sounding more desparate." schep says, "e" Floyd | maga_dogg votes to lynch banichi. Floyd | A majority has voted to lynch banichi, who is strung up and dies Floyd | before sundown. banichi turns out to have been a werewolf. Floyd | Night has fallen; time for some to sleep and others to kill. caleb exclaims, "yeah!!!" BrenBarn says, "yay" maga_dogg says, "w00t" Marvin exclaims, "yay!" josh_g arrives, full of fun, but no funk. You whisper "protect schep" to Floyd. reillyb says (to caleb), "good call" Floyd whispers, "You decide to protect schep from the werewolf." Banichi says, "heh" Ender arrives, full of neither funk nor fun. caleb says, "goodnight all. i might not be seeing you again" josh_g says, "I just had to say, I just finished reading the Cube-rulz log" josh_g says, "and holy crap that was insane" reillyb asks (of Julian), "was your comment a hint?" maga_dogg says (to josh), "hee hee hee" schep says (to reillyb), "later" reillyb says (to schep), "later" BrenBarn says, "it's night you guys" Floyd | Current players (6): Floyd | schep brenbarn caleb reillyb maga_dogg marvin You whisper "remind" to Floyd. Floyd | No one died the previous night. Floyd | It is now day. Time to VOTE on whom to lynch. Marvin exclaims, "Yay!" schep says, "yay" caleb says, "yay" BrenBarn says, "excellent!" BrenBarn says, "wow" You whisper "who" to Floyd. Floyd whispers, "Current players (6):" Floyd whispers, "schep has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted." Floyd whispers, "brenbarn has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted." Floyd whispers, "caleb has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted." Floyd whispers, "reillyb has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted." Floyd whispers, "maga_dogg has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted." Floyd whispers, "marvin has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted." maga_dogg says, "yay" Floyd | Current players (6): Floyd | schep has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | brenbarn has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | caleb has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | reillyb has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | maga_dogg has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | marvin has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | schep asks, "so we got that stuff figured out. Now what?" BrenBarn says, "heh" maga_dogg says, "this does make it a bad idea for fool and baner to come out this turn, though" One part Batman, one part Bond, one part GIANT CITY-SMASHING ROBOT schep says, "yup, but at least they're both still around." maga_dogg says (to schep), "true" maga_dogg asks, "So, erm, do we have anything to go on?" BrenBarn asks, "the question is: who was behaving in such a way as to indicate that they were in cahoots with Banichi?" caleb asks, "well, who didn't vote for banichi?" schep asks, "better question: who did vote for Banichi?" BrenBarn says, "schep, reillyb, caleb, and maga DID vote for him" BrenBarn says, "hmm" buzzard has connected to ifMUD. reillyb asks, "wait, what happened?" maga_dogg says, "I'm sort-of thinking BrenBarn or reillyb, but not on much evidence" schep says, "heh. All the same people who voted for the seer." maga_dogg says, "and for opposite reasons" caleb says (to schep), "i hope my attempt to get banichi lynched shows that i am innocent" Marvin says, "I voted for the seer, but not the wolf." Marvin asks, "That doesn't sound good, does it?" maga_dogg says (to schep), "so that probably says more about voting-speed than intent, I guess. Although a wolf has potential reasons for both" Kalthare has disconnected from ifMUD. Ghogg says, "oof, gotta go" Ghogg goes home. arrived in court last month wearing a half-kangaroo, half-clown costume schep says (to caleb), "yeah, that's pretty good." maga_dogg says (to caleb), "nah, could be a cover" BrenBarn says, "ok, hmm" maga_dogg says, "it's worked before on many occasions" schep says, "'shows' is a bit strong, yes." caleb says (to schep), "ok, 'suggests'." BrenBarn says, "suggests" New default channel: sci/math schep says, "I tend to believe it though." Marvin asks, "How many wolves were there?" BrenBarn says, "2" maga_dogg says (to bren), "hmm. if you admit that, though, it can potentially be extended in a weaker form to everyone who voted for Ban" maga_dogg says, "which seems unlikely" reillyb says, "OK. I'm no longer confused." Marvin says, "So, 1 wolf, 1 fool and 1 baner left." BrenBarn says (to maga), "hmm" Floyd | Current players (6): Floyd | schep has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | brenbarn has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | caleb has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | reillyb has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | maga_dogg has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | marvin has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | BrenBarn says, "I do not believe it is schep" schep says, "really? thanks." Marvin says, "So we have a 50% chance of lynching someone who isn't a villager." maga_dogg says, "though, to be fair, I wouldn't expect it of banichi and caleb to try and pull such an audacious attempt" BrenBarn says, "ok, I have a theory, but it's risky" Marvin says, "Which isn't any help in any way, but still." schep says (to Marvin), "not if we're careful enough." maga_dogg says (to Bren), "let's live dangerously and hear it" Marvin says (to schep), "Well, I meant if we all vote randomly. For the same person. Or something." josh_g has had his fill of playing for now, and goes back to the Lounge. I'll be back with your doom in just a moment. schep says (to Marvin), "I'd hope we're not that stupid." Marvin says (to schep), "I did say the statement wasn't in any way actually helpful." BrenBarn says, "hmm" schep says, "hmm doesn't sound like a risky theory." BrenBarn asks, "ok, shall I take the risk?" Marvin says, "Yes." BrenBarn says, "I believe Marvin is the wolf" Marvin exclaims (at BrenBarn), "EEK!" maga_dogg asks (of Bren), "on what grounds?" BrenBarn takes a deep breath. Marvin says (to BrenBarn), "I meant 'no'." BrenBarn says, "I am the baner." schep says, "ack." Marvin says, "Okay." maga_dogg asks, "who'd you bane?" schep says, "you didn't need to say that." schep asks, "unless it's interesting and relevant, maybe...?" maga_dogg says, "also, this makes life tricky for us unless you've got some serious knowledge" Marvin says, "I think this is going into a 'Marvin wanted me to reveal myself' thing." BrenBarn says, "I know schep is innocent" BrenBarn says (to Marvin), "that's part of it" schep says, "aha" BrenBarn says, "also marvin voted for Julian and refused to change" Marvin says, "It's not true, by the way." BrenBarn says, "also marvin sort of 'played dumb' when we were voting for Banichi" BrenBarn says, "and never did actually vote for banichi" Marvin says, "So, before you all vote for me, if you're going to, I'd like to say something, too." schep says (to BrenBarn), "I did the first too, of course." schep asks (of BrenBarn), "which night did you protect me?" maga_dogg says, "this is all true, but still tenuous" BrenBarn says (to schep), "last night" schep says, "cool." BrenBarn says, "(I'm feeling pretty good about that choice)" BrenBarn says, "I do not believe it is caleb because schep doesn't and I know schep is innocent" You whisper "who" to Floyd. Floyd whispers, "Current players (6):" Floyd whispers, "schep has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted." Floyd whispers, "brenbarn has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted." Floyd whispers, "caleb has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted." Floyd whispers, "reillyb has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted." Floyd whispers, "maga_dogg has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted." Floyd whispers, "marvin has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted." maga_dogg says (to Bren), "you got two correct defences, yeah. nice going" Marvin asks, "Wait, how do you know schep is innocent?" caleb says (to brenbarn), "that's right" Floyd | Current players (6): Floyd | schep has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | brenbarn has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | caleb has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | reillyb has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | maga_dogg has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | marvin has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | Marvin says, "Oh, of course. Protection. Right." maga_dogg says (to Marvin), "well... it's possible the wolves slept to confuse the issue, but unlikely" Marvin says, "I didn't get that." schep says, "oo, that would be nasty. Also, extremely unlikely to work." Marvin asks, "So, who would vote for me on this basis?" schep says, "I would." Marvin says, "Oh good." BrenBarn says, "now, if the fool is NOT schep and NOT caleb, then if they come out and my logic is correct we will definitely win" maga_dogg says (to Marvin), "as a wolf, one might sleep instead of killing to fool the baner into thinking you were innocent, but I'd doubt anyone would do it because it'd rely on the baner picking you, and would backfire if he didn't" BrenBarn says, "but not sure if they should do that" "It's easy to imagine an infinite number of situations where the government might legitimately give out false information." -- Theodore Olson, US Solicitor-General to US Supreme Court Marvin says (to maga_dogg), "Yeah, I realised. DIdn't think it through fast enough." schep says, "how about this." schep asks (of Marvin), "Are you the fool?" Marvin says, "Er." Marvin says, "Yes." maga_dogg asks (of Bren), "wait, what do we know about caleb?" caleb says, "well, the fool is not me" BrenBarn says, "hmm" schep says, "oo." Marvin says, "This is the thing I wanted to say before everyone voted for me." Marvin says, "But only if they were going to, because otherwise, not worth it." BrenBarn says (to maga), "he started the banichi lynch thing, for one. schep believes he is innocent and schep is definitely innocent." Marvin says (to BrenBarn), "Yes, but jsut because schep is innocent doesn't make his judgement good." BrenBarn says, "(unless the wolves slept)" Marvin says (to BrenBArn), "It just means he doesn't know." BrenBarn says (to marvin), "but it makes it definitely not deliberately wrong" Marvin asks, "So. Anyone else claim to be fool?" Marvin says, "Or baner, for that matter." schep says, "wait, we could still lose. Dangit." BrenBarn says, "ok, if Marvin really is the fool then we're left with maga or reillyb (or very possibly caleb)" Floyd | Current players (6): Floyd | schep has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | brenbarn has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | caleb has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | reillyb has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | maga_dogg has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | marvin has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | maga_dogg says (to Bren), "then it'd be me or reillyb. And I've voted for Banichi in both rounds. If that means anything, which it has to for your caleb-exon to work..." reillyb says, "i'm not the wolf" caleb says, "i'm a plain villager" schep says, "but probability is now on our side, especially with a well-informed baner." Marvin says, "I don't think we can let caleb off." Marvin asks (of reillyb), "What are you?" maga_dogg says (to marvin), "that's my point, really" BrenBarn says, "so it appears Marvin really is the fool, so that's a bummer" Marvin says (to BrenBarn), "Indeed. One of us is probably screwed tonight. Probably me." maga_dogg says (to bren), "well, it'd be really stupid for wolf to claim fool at this stage" BrenBarn asks, "so who do we lynch?" caleb says, "it seems to me that if i were the wolf, lynching banichi would have been a dumb idea-- it would make me look innocent, but make it practically impossible for me to win" BrenBarn says, "depends" maga_dogg says (to caleb), "well, you're looking quite safe now, so it'd have worked" maga_dogg says, "and it's worked before" schep says, "it's still possible for the wolf to win, but the villagers have good chances." BrenBarn says, "potentially we could still have another no-death night" Floyd | schep votes to lynch reillyb. schep says, "in which case we win." BrenBarn says (to schep), "that's my idea too" reillyb says, "i'm not the wolf" schep says (to reillyb), "okay, sorry." Marvin says, "Well, if we lynch the wrong person today, we'll have three villagers tomorrow, and the wolf." BrenBarn says, "maga is correct that, as far as voting goes, he seems just as innocent as caleb" maga_dogg says (to reillyb), "that's, erm, a fairly weak defence" BrenBarn says, "which leaves only reillyb without any shred of protection" BrenBarn says, "although he did vote for banichi and not for julian. hmmm." Marvin asks (of maga_dogg), "What's your defence?" Floyd | maga_dogg votes to lynch reillyb. maga_dogg says (to Marvin), "none, but if so caleb has none either." BrenBarn asks, "so what should my strategy be tonight? flipping a coin?" Marvin says (to maga_dogg), "Fair enough." maga_dogg says (to Bren), "just for a change" Floyd | Current players (6): Floyd | schep has 0 votes and votes to lynch reillyb. Floyd | brenbarn has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | caleb has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | reillyb has 2 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | maga_dogg has 0 votes and votes to lynch reillyb. Floyd | marvin has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | Marvin asks (of schep), "Had you got any actual reason to think caleb was innocent?" maga_dogg recaps BrenBarn says, "ah, wait, there is something" schep says, "depends what you mean by 'actual'" caleb says, "seems to me that julian isn't so much a factor. it was pretty much random" Marvin asks, "Well, what was it?" schep says, "I tend not to think he'd do something that sneaky so early based on past experience and discussion." BrenBarn says, "caleb didn't just VOTE for Banichi, he was the one who initially suggested that Julian's seer statement might have been an attempt to implicate Banichi" Floyd | reillyb votes to lynch marvin. BrenBarn says, "if caleb were a wolf he would not do that" Marvin says, "True." caleb says (to brenbarn), "yeah" reillyb says, "typo" Marvin exclaims (at reillyb), "Hey!" Floyd | reillyb retracts a vote for marvin. Marvin asks, "TYPO?" schep asks, "He might. See how good it looks after the fact?" maga_dogg says (to BrenBarn), "hey, that was fairly obvious, though" BrenBarn asks (of schep), "but to suggest a line of reasoning from scratch?" Marvin asks, "Whoops, I acidently typed 'marvin' when I meant 'maga_dogg', that sort of thing?" BrenBarn votes to lynch Markov. schep says (to BrenBarn), "even better." BrenBarn says, "oops" reillyb says, "no, i typed 'wf vote' when i meant to type 'wf who'. Floyd added 'marvin'" maga_dogg says, "but it's better than nothing, I guess" BrenBarn says (to schep), "it's a possibility. caleb is a new player, though, and that seems like a rather subtle tactic." Marvin says, "Hrm." maga_dogg asks, "and reilly has been a little quiet. though that could be n- how often has he played before?" schep says (to BrenBarn), "that's my other reason, yeah." caleb says (to schep), "i am a dumb villager, not an evil genius" Marvin says, "I am clueless." BrenBarn says, "I don't really think it's caleb" schep says (to Marvin), "I picked reillyb somewhat randomly, but if you choose to join it'll end today at least." You whisper "who" to Floyd. Floyd whispers, "Current players (6):" Floyd whispers, "schep has 0 votes and votes to lynch reillyb." Floyd whispers, "brenbarn has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted." Floyd whispers, "caleb has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted." Floyd whispers, "reillyb has 2 votes and hasn't yet voted." Floyd whispers, "maga_dogg has 0 votes and votes to lynch reillyb." Floyd whispers, "marvin has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted." You think you're so smart, but I've seen you naked. reillyb says, "I am not the wolf" schep says, "er, we need two more. but still, let's do something." Floyd | caleb votes to lynch reillyb. maga_dogg says, "we have one more lynch after this, right? so, logically, reillyb and then- oh." schep says, "at least one, yes." maga_dogg says, "that would make reilly almost d- yeah." BrenBarn says, "hmm, I'll be in a quandary tonight" Floyd | Current players (6): Floyd | schep has 0 votes and votes to lynch reillyb. Floyd | brenbarn has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | caleb has 0 votes and votes to lynch reillyb. Floyd | reillyb has 3 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | maga_dogg has 0 votes and votes to lynch reillyb. Floyd | marvin has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | Marvin says, "I kind thought of voting for reillyb anyway." schep says (to BrenBarn), "yes. random is good." Marvin says, "s/kind/kinda/" Marvin says, "But, hrm." Marvin says, "Oh well." Floyd | marvin votes to lynch reillyb. Floyd | A majority has voted to lynch reillyb, who is strung up and dies Floyd | before sundown. reillyb turns out to have been a villager. Floyd | Night has fallen; time for some to sleep and others to kill. caleb says, "urk" You whisper "protect schep" to Floyd. Floyd whispers, "You decide to protect schep from the werewolf." Floyd | brenbarn, a wolfsbane carrier, wakes missing a few vital organs. Floyd | It is now day. Time to VOTE on whom to lynch. schep says, "aw, guessed wrong." maga_dogg says, "urk" Floyd | Current players (4): Floyd | schep has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | caleb has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | maga_dogg has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | marvin has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | caleb asks, "so, maga?" BrenBarn says, "I died for you!" schep says (to Marvin), "so I'm still thinking caleb is too newbie to do this easily, and if he can pull off such a thing good for him." Marvin says, "It's caleb or maga. Great." Julian whispers, "@joinc #wolf-watchers" caleb says, "well, i know it's not me, so..." Floyd | caleb votes to lynch maga_dogg. The knight's weapon is a lance called LALR Parser Generator. maga_dogg says, "so, that puts it down to schep (almost-certainly-innocent-unless-a-total-mastermind), caleb (most-likely-innocent-unless-kinda-smart) or, um, me(villager)" You un-mute #games/mud/wolf-watchers. Floyd | maga_dogg votes to lynch caleb. Floyd | Current players (4): Floyd | schep has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | caleb has 1 vote and votes to lynch maga_dogg. Floyd | maga_dogg has 1 vote and votes to lynch caleb. Floyd | marvin has 0 votes and hasn't yet voted. Floyd | Recapping 2 lines from games/mud/wolf-watchers: [wolf-watchers]/001 BrenBarn has joined the channel. [wolf-watchers]/002 Julian says, "maga is the wolf, BrenBarn." Recap done. Marvin sighs. maga_dogg says, "I'm certain it's caleb now, but even so" New default channel: games/mud/wolf-watchers [wolf-watchers] BrenBarn says, "good" [wolf-watchers] BrenBarn says, "I think they'll get him" Floyd | schep votes to lynch maga_dogg. Marvin says, "I hate being resposible for the fate of the village." schep says (to maga_dogg), "well of course you are." [wolf-watchers] devil says, "Whoo!" caleb says (to maga_dogg), "you know it's not" [wolf-watchers] devil says, "hee Marvin." schep says (to Marvin), "I've got coresponsibility, if it helps." Floyd | marvin votes to lynch maga_dogg. Floyd | A majority has voted to lynch maga_dogg, who is strung up and dies Floyd | before sundown. maga_dogg turns out to have been a werewolf. Floyd | All the werewolves and Mafia have been killed. Floyd | The villagers win. Floyd | marvin was a fool. Floyd asks, "That game over already? It was just getting good. Wanna play another?" BrenBarn says, "YAY" maga_dogg says, "fuck" Marvin exclaims, "Yeah!" devil says, "Whoo!" Julian says, "Yay." caleb says, "hurah" devil says (to maga), "You're no Cube." Julian | 1. I didn't come forward because I didn't have time, because a couple Julian | of people had me voted for no reason and the other three jumped in Julian | all at once. Julian | 2. Coming forward would've been stupid before the three people jumped. Julian | 3. My IIAS comment was total Marvin says, "That was pretty fun." devil says (to maga), "But you did very well for a long time there." BrenBarn says (to devil), "he's a real Square!" BrenBarn says, "ok, I'm proud of myself" Julian says, "total garbage, sorry." BrenBarn says, "ok, let me get this off my chest" Marvin says (to Julian), "That was not no reason." schep says (to Julian), "Sorry. I tried to unvote but wasn't quick enough." Julian says (to maga), "That was good =)" devil says (to Julian), "Heh, no need to defend yourself." maga_dogg says (to devil), "I was *so* close" BrenBarn says, "I knew Julian was innocent but I couldn't say anything" BrenBarn says, "at the very beginning" devil says (to maga), "You were." maga_dogg says, "unfortunately bren had done a little bit too much good work" devil says, "Heh." BrenBarn says, "because Julian WHISPERED to me, saying he was a seeool and asking me what I was to confirm his vision" schep says (to Julian), "You didn't know about Banichi? Whoa." devil says, "Well, stupid wolves, you lost not one but *two* chances." maga_dogg says (to Bren), "that's highly illegal" Julian says, "Sorry, btw, I didn't know that was illegal." BrenBarn says, "I didn't tell him, of course, but I knew he was innocent, but I didn't say anything 'cause that would have been unfair" BrenBarn says, "so I had to sit there and watch him get lynched which was kind of a bummer"